Safe Base Station


Antarctica, a continent of ice, is sixty times larger than the Korean Peninsula in size. This vast undefiled continent plays an essential role in the earth system along with the Arctic. It sensitively reacts to climate change, so that we can perceives climate change and predicts its effects all over the globe. Many governments have their base stations in Antarctica, and carry out diverse activities: drilling into Antarctic ice, collecting meteorites, exploring sub-glacial lakes, and making research on geological features, volcanoes, astronomy, and microorganisms.

Every activity is centered on each base station established by each country. The most important factor in constructing a base station is safety. A base station is designed to facilitate saving human lives in the strong winds of 250 ㎞/h [155 mph] and the cold temperature of -34℃ [-29.2℉]. It is indispensable that it is equipped with a high-tech observation balloon and communication equipment that help predict rapidly changing weather conditions, a storage that can store food and supplies for a long time in case it is difficult to get necessary items, and power production facilities that can stably provide electricity and water. A base station, which is set up high in the midst of a vast snowy land, is the safest fortress and a resting place where crew members can recharge their body and mind for a journey of exploration.

We, too, have a safe base station—our God (Ps 18:2). God protects us as the apple of His eye, and so we can stand up again without losing hope for Heaven even when storms of life come against us. Until we accomplish our gospel mission and return to Heaven, we will always gain courage and power of the Holy Spirit in God’s safe and loving arms. In God who is our safe base station of love, we can endure, believe, and achieve all things.