String of Love


A biologist discovered an interesting phenomenon while observing the spiders living in the branches or bushes. Even when a mother spider was far away, if any little dangerous thing happened to the baby spiders, the mother spider fleetingly came to its babies to protect them. The biologist got curious to know how the mother spider knew when the baby was in danger and came. So he observed the spiders more carefully.

The result was interesting. The mother spider and baby spiders were connected to each other by a very thin string. When the babies were under a threat by the enemy, they moved their bodies and the string was pulled. When the mother felt the oscillation, it came straight to the babies.

God and we are also connected to each other by an invisible string. It’s a string of love that cannot be disconnected with anything.

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?” Ro 8:35

As long as we don’t consider the string as cumbersome and commit stupidity by cutting it off, we can get help from God when our souls are in trouble. Let us hold onto the string connected to God until the last—until we enter heaven.