Global Hope Supporters Launching Ceremony

Resolution to Launch the Hope Challenge in Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Church of God


April 30, 2024 2,668 views

“[People are being] crushed under the grinding wheels of poverty [and that] entire communities are literally on devastation’s doorstep because of changing climate. Now is the time to prove you are listening.”

Secretary-General António Guterres made his appeal to the international society at the SDG Summit held at the United Nations Headquarters last September.

Even after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, humanity is suffering from ongoing turmoil such as Earth tropicalization, global economic crisis, and conflicts between peoples and nations. In response, the Church of God held the Global Hope Supporters Launching Ceremony at the seminar hall of the New Jerusalem Pangyo Temple on April 30. In celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Church of God, this event was held with the purpose of having 3.7 million church members more actively practice God’s teachings and lead people around the world to the door of hope. Over 500 people attended the event, including experts from various fields who came to Korea as part of the 79th Overseas Visiting Group from 20 countries, as well as Korean members from the metropolitan area.

The launching ceremony began with Mother’s prayer for humanity. Praying that God’s children will fulfill their roles as the salt and light of the world, Mother said, “While selfishness, conflict, and isolation are prevailing in the world, our gathering here from different countries, languages, and cultures is to convey hope for a bright future to 8 billion people with the love and altruistic spirit given by God Elohim.” She urged the participants to be the source of love and hope in respective position. General Pastor Kim Joo-cheol emphasized, “To solve the problems humanity faces, it is urgent to transcend national borders with solidarity and action. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Church of God, we seek to make a new leap forward for the future of the world. Based on God’s love, let us, all members in 175 countries, become Hope Supporters and share hope with the world.”

“In celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Church of God, I declare the launching of the Global Hope Supporters!”

After Mother announced the launching of the Hope Supporters, six experts from six different fields presented the “Declaration of Hope.”

Experts from various fields, including Colleen Kaiser, Professor of Geology at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, U.S. and Ruth Lessy Fonseca Salvador, Lawyer from Peru, outlined the direction of the supporters’ activities in areas such as climate change response, poverty and hunger alleviation, educational support, health and well-being promotion, sustainable urban development, and the fostering of peace, inclusion, and solidarity. They expressed their commitment to working for them and their neighbors, present and future generations, and society and environments. Then, the representative member read a resolution, and all attendees unanimously agreed, reaffirming their commitment as Hope Supporters.

Since its early establishment, the Church of God has been engaged in volunteer services for its neighbors though it was small-scale, particularly during challenging periods for the Korean economy. Since the 1990s, it has significantly expanded the scale and scope of its services, including providing free meals at the site of the Sampoong Department Store collapse and initiating other impactful projects. As the church was rapidly established worldwide, tailored volunteer efforts have been implemented in various local communities. Across a wide range of fields, including emergency relief, environmental protection, community assistance, and educational support, over 3.31 million volunteers from 102 countries have engaged in approximately 27,000 volunteer activities (as of March 2024). Comprised of members from both domestic and international communities, Hope Supporters will continue the “Global Hope Challenge” aiming for a total of 3,000 activities over the next year, based on their accumulated experience, personal networks, and cooperation with governments and organizations worldwide.

Carlos Alberto Gutierrez Bravo, Associate Dean of Education at the Jose Faustino Sanchez Carrion National University in Peru, who announced the Hope Declaration in the field of education support, stated, “The challenges that humanity face cannot be solved overnight, so it is important to lead young adults, the future generation, to participate in activities addressing these issues. As an educator and a believer, I will help many students become interested in the future of humanity and design the better tomorrow.” Relebohile Mothopeng, Copywriter from Cape Town, South Africa, said, “Our country faces a significant blood shortage, necessitating increased blood donations. Moreover, our coastline is home to penguins and dolphins, so it is crucial to protect our marine ecosystems. I believe that while individual efforts may seem small, collective action through initiatives such as the Hope Challenge can bring about positive changes in both our environment and society.”