The Los Angeles Church in CA, U.S. Holds Thank You Concert

Giving support and thanks to the members of the ten churches in the Southwestern Church Association


December 18, 2022 2,743 views

On December 18, 2022, when the year was coming to an end, the Southwestern Church Association in North America held a concert to express gratitude to the members who had devoted themselves to the gospel growth through preaching and volunteering for more than 15 years. The concert was held at the Church in Los Angeles, California, and more than 250 pastoral staff and members from ten locations from Los Angeles, Escondido, Fresno, Sunland, and Orange County in California and Las Vegas in Nevada attended it.

The brass ensemble consisting of eight members of the Southwestern Church Association opened the event with a magnificent performance. The ensemble welcomed the members from various regions with the original sound track called, “Be Our Guest” from the animation, “Beauty and the Beast.” In addition, they performed the song, “When the Roll Is Called up Yonder,” which delivers the joy of salvation in a cheerful melody to inspire hope for heaven that we will go in the future. The choir consisting of the pastoral staff of the Southwestern Church Association sang, “The Bright, Heavenly Way,” to deliver the message, “Let us rely on God who gives us strength and courage and overcome all difficulties.”

The video letters from the pastoral staff that were screened greatly moved the members. The pastoral staff expressed the joy and happiness of walking the path of faith with the members, and gave thanks to them for their love, patience, and efforts, who had devoted themselves to the gospel for a long time. Pastor Jeong Jae-hwan of the Los Angeles Church said, “I sincerely thank you for your hard work and all your efforts for the glory of Father and Mother. Let’s overcome until the end and go to the glorious kingdom of heaven together.”

The members enjoyed the event as if it was the end of the year gift to them and were determined to work hard for the completion of the gospel of the kingdom in a beautiful unity in the new year.