The Flower of Unity Blooms in the Frozen Land of Eastern Europe

Park Seong-hyeon from Prague, Czech Republic


Starting the year 2019, Mother blessed us, saying, “If you unite, the gospel in Europe will go well.” Now that a year has passed, I feel that Mother’s words are being exactly fulfilled in Eastern Europe.

Last spring, I was carrying out a mission as a prophet in Korea; then I came to Czech Republic in Eastern Europe. The barrier to the gospel in Europe seemed very high at that time. My heart ached when I saw people try to argue with us with their own knowledge and logic rather than try to learn about the word of God, and on the other hand I was thankful and sorry to the Korean members who stayed in Czech Republic for a long time to take care of the church, and to the local members who worked hard for the gospel. I was welled up with tears.

‘How can I encourage them? How can I find our lost heavenly family members?’

The members already knew the answer to the question I had as a missionary. The members were not shackled by the prejudice that the gospel work in Europe was difficult, but they fervently preached the truth with firm faith in Mother’s word.

When I changed my attitude of faith, many things changed. New members were found every month, and from a certain point in time, heavenly family members were born every week. Even the members who stopped coming for a long time came back. As I witnessed these amazing results, my view was widened. The members, who said it was hard to find even one soul in Prague, gained momentum and planned for a short-term mission to display God’s glory throughout Czech Republic.

In September 2019, they were united to form a short-term mission team. Brno is the second largest city in Prague. It is also known as a university city because many prestigious universities in Eastern Europe such as Janacek Academy of Music and Performing Arts are gathered.

This short-term mission was more special because the members in Slovakia joined together. The preaching trip to a new region where we had never been before was more exciting than fearful because of unity. There were about ten members from Korea, Czech, and Slovakia. Although our backgrounds and generations were different, we were united in the resolution to preach God’s word; there was nothing we couldn’t overcome.

Since there was no worship leader, the schedule had to be made in between worship days; we had only three days to stay in Brno. Due to the short schedule, we preached earnestly and wholeheartedly. The people in Brno showed their interest in the truth about God the Mother at first, but they turned their back in the end. Then we met a woman, who was looking for the truth. After confirming the existence of God the Mother in the Bible, she became a child of God. On the last day of the short-term mission, a Czech member led another soul, united with a member from Slovakia. Thinking of the past when it was hard to find even one soul for a few months, it was truly a miracle. The members said, “Mother has opened doors for the gospel wide,” and shed tears of joy.

Even after the short-term mission, the members’ fervor did not cool down; not only the members who participated in the short-term mission but also those who didn’t, preached whenever they had time: when they met their neighbors, or on their way home after worship. The members in Slovakia also led our lost heavenly family members to Zion every month, and the young adults who willingly took part in the short-term mission became good gospel workers and visited Korea to receive much love and blessing from Heavenly Mother.

Thanks to the members from the two countries who continued to suggest going on a short-term mission trip together every month, we were able to do the 2nd united short-term mission in November. The same members participated, but their faith and resolution were even stronger than before. The other members, who couldn’t take part in the mission due to their circumstances, saw the mission team off, and after we left, they kept asking us how it was going in Brno, praying for us together. As a result, we were able to lead a precious soul in the morning on the first day, and found a total of three lost heavenly family members.

Among them there was a sister who received the truth immediately after listening to God’s words like a gentle sheep; she studied the Bible until late and went home. After she realized the blessings of worship, she came all the way to Zion to keep the Sabbath; it took her two and a half hours to travel by train from Brno to Prague, though she left early in the morning.

“I’m so happy to meet you.”

This is what she texted us on her way home. She said she met the members when she was exhausted from being hurt a lot as she went through a lot of things, and that she was attracted by the members who looked so happy. Now, she attends every worship service and experience true happiness in God.

After the two short-term missions, the number of members increased and now the church feels so small. This was impossible a few months ago. The key to this totally different result was the unity of all the members who practiced Mother’s words.

Now we’re leaving for the third short-mission. Since Czech and Slovakia were one country and their languages are similar, there is no communication problem between them; we are given the best circumstances where we can work together. We have decided to extend the schedule to six days and hold worship with the new members in Brno. Since there are members preparing to establish a house church in Brno, I hope we will deliver the news that we’ve established a beautiful Zion in Brno, too. We will continue to unite together until we find all our lost heavenly family members scattered in Brno and all other cities in Eastern Europe.

Although it is winter when the cold wind penetrates our clothes, the members’ hearts are burning hotter and more confident than ever before. Flowers of life are blooming in Eastern Europe, the frozen land, by the zeal of the Holy Spirit and beautiful unity. All this is being accomplished according to the words of Mother who has said that the gospel work in Europe will go well.