Fruits around Me

Kim In-ju from Sacheon, Korea


I was moved when I heard that the number of Zions around the world was increasing day after day as the gospel was spreading rapidly. The stories of the Zion members, who held a Bible seminar for colleagues at work in the heat of the gospel, were also exciting.

I prayed that I too would have the opportunity to preach the word of God in my workplace. Then a colleague suggested that each of the teacher club members have a presentation during lunch time. It was to increase presentation skills and to share good knowledge and information. For me, it was a great opportunity to share the good news of salvation.

I waited for my turn and prepared my presentation. Unlike my expectation, however, the club meeting was not held easily. As time went by quickly and the vacation was drawing near, it seemed like giving my presentation would be possible in the next semester. Unexpectedly, however, I heard the good news that the teacher club would be going on for about three hours on the starting day of the vacation. It felt like God was telling me to preach the words of life before it was too late and was opening the way for me.

In order to convey the will of God, I had diligently practiced my presentation titled “The Bible Is Fact” with the help of the Zion members and prepared presentation materials as well. I asked my close fellow teacher to see my rehearsal beforehand. When I saw my colleague concentrating on my presentation not to miss even a single word although she could’ve just sit and listened to it halfheartedly, I was highly motivated.

“So far, all the prophecies of the Bible have been fulfilled. A new heaven and a new earth, the kingdom of heaven, where there is no more death or sorrow or pain, are surely coming soon.”

“Oh, I want to go there!”

I gained confidence because of my colleague who tearfully agreed with the words of the Bible and applauded me, and I was able to finish my presentation graciously at the club meeting held on the day of the vacation. My long-awaited wish was finally fulfilled, and with a successful conclusion it was a special vacation, more than ever before.

While I was attending a training workshop in another region for three weeks after the vacation, my colleague who had listened attentively to me during my rehearsal kept coming to mind. I was eager to meet and lead my colleague, who had listened to the word of God carefully, to Zion as soon as possible.

I consistently exchanged text messages with her, and met her after the training workshop. When I asked her to go to church with me and be blessed by God, she readily agreed to go. She watched our church introduction video and asked her what she was curious about, and we studied the Bible seriously. On that day, my colleague was blessed with a new life and smiled brightly, saying that all the worries in her mind had disappeared and that she felt comfortable. She did not forget to say thanks to the Zion members who congratulated her.

The gospel is being spread swiftly in Samaria and to the ends of the earth, but our lost heavenly family members whom we should find are not only in distant countries but also around us. I am grateful to God for awakening me, who lacked passion for the gospel, to keep in step with Bible prophecy and for blessing me to bear the precious fruit. Even though the gospel spreads to the opposite side of the earth, the completion of world evangelism will be delayed if people around me fail to hear the gospel. This should not happen. Considering the given situation or place as the best field for the gospel, I will preach the truth with passion and courage.