Recently, I didn’t have as much time as before to preach the gospel because of many other things. I knew that serving Zion and doing everything else in God would bring us blessings, but I was eager to bear fruit by preaching God’s word to others.
One day, I was able to make some time to go out preach the truth with a sister. I was excited at the thought that I would sow the seeds of the gospel diligently though we didn’t have much time. However, I felt somewhat hesitant probably because I hadn’t preached for long time. To say nothing of preaching whether they would listen or not, I only looked for someone who seemed to listen to me.
Then I saw a young lady with red hair and cross earrings. At first glance, I judged her, ‘She is not going to listen.’
However, my preaching partner was different. Before I knew it, she had already walked up to her and was showing her the painting “The Last Supper” and explaining it to her. “Do you mean my sins can be forgiven if I eat the bread and drink the wine of the Passover?” Contrary to my thought, the young lady showed great interest in God’s word. After hearing about the tremendous blessings God promised through the Passover, she fired questions at us. She made an appointment to meet us again. I was so excited the whole time that I couldn’t even tell whether it was a dream or reality.
On the appointment day, she came to Zion and continued studying the Bible. Our study lasted for many hours as she had so many questions about the Bible. After studying God’s word, she finally realized the truth and was immediately born again into a new life.
The next day was the Sabbath, and she came to Zion though she had heard slanderous remarks about our church. She said she had relieved her family by saying, “I’m going to learn more about the church. So don’t worry about me.”
She was firm in her faith and showed more interest in the spiritual world than anything else. Confirming through the Bible where we come from, why we are born in this world, and where we are going, she engraved the words of God deeply in her heart.
As I joined the Bible study and listened along with her, I too was so moved by God’s word. I recognized once again the grievousness of the sin that I had committed in heaven, and also reminded myself that Heavenly Father and Mother came to this earth from heaven because They loved us so much.
Come to think of it, it wasn’t my first time having that kind of experience. Although I had been in Zion for quite a long time, it wasn’t until I was a high school student that my faith started growing; God allowed me to bear fruit, and my faith grew as I listened along with her whenever there was a Bible study.
However, as time passed by, I became gradually less grateful to Father and Mother for Their love, sacrifice, and salvation, but then God awakened me through my fruit again. She was such a precious gift God gave me to wake up my heart that had become dull.
She is so convinced of the truth that she is now trying to lead her family to the truth. I pray that she will grow to be a beautiful prophetic protagonist, as it is written in Psalm 110:3 that the youth like the dew of the dawn will willingly come to God. I too will strive to preach the gospel in season and out of season, so that my faith will not become dull.