“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” Ro 10:14
In the pursuit of saving souls, the presence of an evangelist is undeniably crucial. I fervently prayed for the opportunity to fulfill this sacred role and to encounter a soul yearning for God’s guidance.
Finally, my prayers were answered, and I met someone who fit this description perfectly. To my surprise, she expressed a deep thirst for spiritual nourishment upon hearing the word church. Despite her efforts to find solace in various congregations, she had become disheartened by the lack of fulfillment and had ceased attending any church altogether. I empathized with her struggle, recognizing the difficulty she must have endured in her quest for truth.
Thus, I took my time preaching the truth to her through the Bible. We were able to get together again for a Bible study the next day. The more I studied the truth with her, the stronger I felt that God was using me as an instrument for the gospel and leading this soul.
She realized how important the truth of the Passover is, and immediately received it after realizing that the Church of God was the only church that kept the Passover of the new covenant. As she was spiritually thirsty, she continued to study the Bible. One day, the new sister shed tears upon hearing that Jesus came a second time for our salvation as prophesied in the Bible.
“How frustrating and distressed must God have been when He came to this earth?”
I admired the sister who genuinely accepted God’s word and understood God’s earnest heart.
‘There is a soul who sincerely loves God!’
I looked back at the time that I was doubting God’s love. Although I received the blessing of salvation without much effort, I did not understand God’s heart nor give thanks for His grace enough. Now I felt ashamed of myself.
I learned a lot while leading the sister to Zion. Preaching the gospel is not only saving a soul, but it is also God’s gift to save me. Today, too, I am very happy with the gift I received from God, and I boldly walk the path of an evangelist.