Gospel Trumpet Call Resounds in Patna, India, beyond Nepal

Short-Term Mission Team to Patna, India


The sound of the gospel trumpet blown from Nepal has crossed its border and is resounding powerfully in its neighboring countries like Bhutan and India, and even in the Middle East. Among the Nepalese brothers and sisters who are carrying out their mission as part of world evangelism, several formed a team to establish Zion in Patna which is the central city of Bihar in East India.

Patna is the capital city of the state of Bihar, where people’s income is lower than any other states in the vast land of India. Due to its poor living environment and serious public safety issues, even the government finds it hard to manage. What came to our minds while gathering information about Patna was that it wasn’t going to be easy to preach the gospel there. However, engraving God’s will to preach the gospel of the kingdom to the whole world on our hearts, we went out to preach the gospel as soon as we arrived there.

Most people in Patna didn’t know God unlike our expectation; not many of them were Christians, and it wasn’t hard to meet people who had never even seen the Bible. We thought it would take much time and effort to sow the seeds in this barren land and water them to bud.

However, the doors of people’s minds, which seemed to stay tightly closed, soon opened. Quite many souls realized God’s mysteries that cannot be figured out by men’s wisdom, and came to God with tears, feeling God’s love that they had never felt before.

Among them, there was one male adult who had been going to a Protestant church in a mountain village for five years. Let us tell the story of how he received the truth. The brother heard the truth with his family and relatives and received a new life as soon as he understood the gospel. He felt awful that he had wasted his time in the false church, but at the same time he gave thanks to Heavenly Father and Mother for blessing him to receive the amazing truth. However, there were many challenges for him to come to Zion because he had been dedicated to his previous church.

One day, we visited him to study the Bible. However, a group of people were gathered at his house; some pastoral staff members from a few big nearby Protestant churches had come to persuade him. Since they all claimed to believe in God, we naturally started a conversation about the Bible. Then we preached the truth in a calm but confident voice.

Since we preached the words from the Bible only, they couldn’t find any way to refute what we were saying. Then they started to yell at us. Watching the whole thing from the beginning, the brother flatly told them to never come again to his house.

As the brother fully distinguished the truth from falsehood, he preached the truth to one of his friends, who soon led someone else to Zion. This way, eight souls were led to God. It started with one person, but soon became two people, one family, and then two families, which soon resulted in more than twenty heavenly family members in that mountain village.

This whole situation created some funny incidents. The pastors of the Protestant churches in that town changed their attitude and begged us not to tell people what day the Sabbath is. They confessed that they were afraid that people might all leave their churches once they found out that the seventh-day Sabbath of the Bible is Saturday.

Then the reason we were there was clearly imprinted on our minds: We had to deliver God’s voice to the souls who were running away from salvation, thinking that falsehood was the truth.

Of course, God was more eager than we were. As if it was speaking for God’s mind, Zion was established in such a short time in Patna, and four branch churches were established soon. The Patna Zion grew in no time and has moved to a larger building now, and it is all set to harvest more wheat.

In the beginning of July, the Patna Zion’s brothers and sisters visited the Kathmandu Zion in Nepal for a week. They studied God’s word more deeply in Kathmandu, and learned the attitude they should have as gospel workers from the leading brothers and sisters there. Their faith grew more with much realization. Moved by Mother’s love that Nepalese members showed them, they are ready to go and find their lost heavenly brothers and sisters and let them know the way to heaven and Mother’s love.

It is not only the brothers and sisters in Patna who’ve been moved, but also the brothers and sisters from Nepal who had been to Patna for the short-term preaching. They said that they’d never felt God’s sacrifice fully in Nepal, but that they were able to fathom even a little bit more how hard it must have been for Father and Mother to preach the gospel for our salvation.

The sound of the gospel trumpet that resounded in Patna, India, is going to spread to every corner of Bihar. As more and more heavenly family members rise and keep in step with the prophecy, the movement to preach to 7.8 billion people will come to completion very soon, right?