Go and Make Disciples

Jo In-woong from Seoul, Korea


“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Mt 28:19–20

We should not keep the truth of the new covenant only to ourselves, but we should make disciples of all nations and keep it together. In order to accomplish that mission, I made a plan for the gospel whenever a new year came. However, I rarely followed the plan each year. Due to the poor business management at work, I had to look for a new job. I couldn’t afford to do anything else between jobs. Moreover, it was difficult for my co-workers to listen to my preaching because there were a lot to do at work. God granted us many preaching tools to use to accomplish the gospel mission in the Age of the Holy Spirit. However, I did not use them, so I felt sad and sorry about that.

While praying earnestly with a Zion brother who works for the same company, I found a solution. It was to preach the truth to my co-workers who work on Sundays.

Every Sunday, we studied the Bible at lunch break. My co-workers were not reluctant to study the Bible, but rather they took it more seriously than I expected. Particularly, when I confirmed the existence of God the Mother through the providence of nature, they found it natural as well as amazing. After watching the videos about the cross, Christmas, and Easter, they said, “What I had known so far was wrong. I’m glad that I’ve been corrected.”

After a year or so, twelve co-workers participated in the Bible study. This year’s goal is to lead one of them to Zion. Finally, the goal was accomplished. There was someone who often came to my office though we were in a different department, and we became close. He was born again as a heavenly family member. When I expressed my sincere heart and said, “I hope you will keep the Passover and go to heaven together,” he gladly said, “Okay!” I was very moved.

Until one soul received the blessing of salvation, the power of unity was a great help. The brother who works at my workplace always discussed the preaching plan together. Also, the male adult group members in Zion prayed together and helped me in many ways. It seems that Heavenly Father and Mother were pleased and allowed us to bear the fruit of unity.

I give thanks to God Elohim for allowing me to preach God’s word to the twelve co-workers as my disciples and for allowing me to bear precious fruit by uniting with brothers in Zion. I pray that the brother, who is my first fruit, will be raised up to be a gospel worker of the new covenant, following the will of Heavenly Father and Mother, our Saviors in this age. I will work harder to lead all the remaining 11 co-workers to Zion. I ask for much prayer and support!