81st Overseas Visiting Group

Embracing God’s Warm Love in the Chilly Winter


December 23, 2024 2,618 views

“I’m so happy my dream of seeing snow has come true.” Jacira Hilario Chicoloa from Maputo, Mozambique

“I’ve never experienced cold before, but the warmth of the members here has made this such a joyful time.” May Ann Talledo Calitas from Davao, Philippines

As 2024 drew to a snowy close, the 81st Overseas Visiting Group arrived in Korea. On December 12, just ten days before celebrating the 107th Anniversary of Sacred Birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong, over 130 members from 13 countries, including Peru, Mexico, India, Philippines, New Zealand, South Africa, U.K., Germany, France, and Russia, began to arrive. During their two-week stay, the group energetically prepared for celebration performances and participated in various activities. Immersed in the love of Mother and the camaraderie of brothers and sisters, they spent an exceptionally warm and heartwarming winter, despite the season’s chill.

A Time of Pilgrimage to Reflect on God’s Love

Mother warmly welcomed each member of the visiting group, holding their hands with care and concern for their health. She compassionately reminded them of Father’s love, recounting how He endured harsh winters on this earth and sacrificed for His children. Mother encouraged the members to deeply understand God’s love during their visit and share that love with mankind, who live in an age of conflict and division. She said, “Have compassion for the souls in life’s crises, and plant the hope of salvation in their hearts so they do not wander helplessly in this uncertain world.”

General Pastor Kim Joo-cheol delivered a sermon during worship, emphasizing the attitude members should have toward the gospel. “The Church of God is the only church that Jesus established with His precious blood, and it is the true church that mankind seeks. Let us take pride as those who first received the message of salvation and spread the gospel of the kingdom with love.” He inspired everyone to become a greater prophet.

From beginning to end, the visiting group’s itinerary was a blessed pilgrimage. The members gained a deeper understanding of God’s heart through “Father’s True Heart” Exhibition and “Our Mother” Writings and Photo Exhibition, which featured writings and photographs reflecting the love of Heavenly Parents. They strengthened their conviction in the new covenant’s promise of salvation by visiting the Church of God History Museum and the “Media’s Views” Exhibition, showcasing media perspectives on the Church.

The group also visited churches in the Seoul and Incheon regions, walked in the footsteps of Father and Mother, and attended the dedication worship service for the Churches in Cheongju. At the Church in Seo-gu, Daejeon, they shared the love of the heavenly family, transcending language and cultural barriers, with Korean members, witnessing firsthand the growth of the gospel in Korea achieved through Christ’s sacrifice.

They also created special memories by visiting the Elohim Training Institute, Lotte World Folk Museum, Seoul Sky Observatory, and Aquarium. Brother Johannes Michael Oppitz from Berlin, Germany, said, “Spending time with our Zion family members from various countries made me realize that we are truly one family and can become united despite our differences. With this understanding, I will grow in my faith and bring joy to God the Father and God the Mother.”

Filling the World With Love and Hope

In the middle of their visit, the schedule was focused on preparing for the performance commemorating the birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong, which would be held on December 22 and 23 at the Okcheon Go&Come Training Institute. During this time, members diligently practiced in their teams, while also looking out for one another to prevent colds and offering encouragement to ease any nervousness. On the day of the event, they showcased their well-honed skills in singing, dance, and musical performances, offering their heartfelt efforts to bring joy and glory to God.

After the event, Mother was pleased with the unity of the members and lavishly blessed them. “Love is the most essential gift for people living in a world lacking love,” Mother encouraged, “so let us share the love we have received from God to the ends of the earth.” After two days of events, the group concluded their unforgettable journey, dancing and singing songs representing countries like Mexico and New Zealand.

Although heavy snow fell at times and temperatures consistently dropped below freezing, the members’ hearts remained warm. This was thanks to Mother’s thoughtful care and attention, ensuring that no one suffered from the cold. For those from regions where snow is rare or nonexistent, experiencing Korea’s beautiful winter scenery for the first time was a source of joy and gratitude to God.

Even Korea’s biting cold offered unique insights and meaningful lessons to those experiencing it for the first time. Sister Sarah Barber from Manchester, U.K., said, “I was deeply moved by Mother ensuring everyone was warmly dressed and by the members who welcomed us outside the church despite the cold weather. When I return to the U.K., I want to preach the gospel with the same love.” Deacon Jill Jacobs from Cape Town, South Africa, remarked, “Although I’ve seen snow before, I’ve never experienced such cold. I thought about how Father must have endured this kind of winter while working as a stonemason. Understanding God’s love makes me believe that there’s no conflict that cannot be resolved. I’m determined to help others receive God and realize His love so they can achieve true peace and happiness.”

After a meaningful visit, the members, now filled with renewed hearts for the new year, embarked on their journey to spread hope across the world, carrying with them the love and courage they received from Mother.