If you plant lettuce in a field, it becomes a lettuce field; if you plant cabbage, it turns to a cabbage field; if you plant flowers, it becomes a flower field. It depends on what kind of seeds you plant. The field of our heart is the same. Just as a good seed produces good fruit, in order to bear fruits of joy, gratitude, and hope, we must first sow the seed of positives in our heart.
This month, let’s sow the seed of positives, which may be small but will bear rich fruits. Remember that after sowing, you have to take good care of them!
- Tip
- Practice smiling before the mirror every morning.
- Try to discover other people’s strengths.
- Give thanks even for a little consideration.
- Take everything positively.
- Try to make others happy.
- Walk powerfully.
- Whenever you get discouraged or cynical, change your thoughts by saying, “Nevertheless,” and one of the followings:
①I’m thankful. ②I’m happy. ③I love him/her. ④I’m glad. ⑤I can tolerate it. ⑥I’m encouraged. ⑦I’m satisfied. ⑧I can laugh. ⑨I don’t give up.