When I Am Weak, Then I Am Strong

Yu Ae-ri from Auckland, New Zealand


Palmerston North is a small city in the North Island of New Zealand. This city is full of youth and enthusiasm, and when I stepped foot here, my heart was beating fast with excitement. God opened the way for the gospel work to begin in Palmerston North, so I was confident that heavenly family members would be here. On the other hand, I felt Mother’s anxious heart of seeking Her children, which also made me feel the urgency to seek my lost brothers and sisters.

We knew that we cannot do the gospel work only with our earnestness. It is not an exaggeration to say that living the life that depends on God thoroughly is a fight with myself day after day. If I was not armed with God’s word, I got afraid right away and tended to waste my time without any plans.

The first time when I stood in the middle of the city in a park, I saw a lot of Babylon people voicing their beliefs, and I found myself standing alone and felt so small and weak.

When nobody listened to the word of God carefully, I was frustrated and was even heartbroken. I was so sorry to God because I felt like my lacking faith was blocking the way of the gospel.

When I faced difficulties, I recalled myself the gospel mission that was given by God and settled myself down. I prayed to God to let me find a soul who would do the gospel work together. After I prayed earnestly, I got the confidence that everything is possible with Father and Mother even if I am weak, and I was filled with passion. As time went on, I could experience that there is no vain effort or labor in God. After repeated trials and enlightenment, the fruit of the gospel, which I longed for, began to fill the barn of Zion.

First of all, I would like to introduce Sister Maria. When she studied about the soul and our heavenly home, she was amazed and wanted to know more, saying that she stopped going to church she had attended before because it did not follow the Bible. As she wanted, she studied constantly until she had confidence in the truth. Then, she was born again into a new life and started coming to the small house-Church with joy and a mind to serve.

The next person to introduce is Sister Maraea. When I first met her, she didn’t look like she was much interested in the truth. However, when we visited her again, she was so glad and welcomed us, and on that day, she received the blessing of becoming a child of God right away. She said she anxiously waited for us because she was worried that we might not visit her again. Amazingly, she became a good gospel worker quickly and led her neighbors to the truth, and they also grew in faith like her and are now giving joy to God.

During the prayer week of the Day of Atonement, God led Brother Grayson and Sister Tia to the truth. They are actively participating with enthusiasm in accomplishing the gospel mission. Sister Tia led her friend Ariana to the truth, who is diligently studying the words of God to become a gospel worker. Also, Brother Elia keeps faith though he is in the military. The worship place is already filled with the souls who love God Elohim.

The brothers and sisters in Palmerston North are the gifts from God, good examples, and reliable gospel workers. Since they just started to grow in faith and each one of them has different personality, they might have trouble with each other unintentionally. However, all the members are trying to treat each other sincerely and are striving to be born again together. After they realized the importance of repentance, they are trying hard to look back at themselves and correct their shortcomings.

Although I am weak, too, the gospel outlook is going to be bright in Palmerston North. The weaker we are, the more we can rely on God. I now realize that when we are weak, we can become strong by realizing and relying on the power of God. I am also confident that God will swiftly accomplish the gospel work in Palmerston North if we only rely on God for everything. Today, I engrave this word upon my heart and start the path of blessing with excitement.

“That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong” 2 Co 12:10