The National Aeronautics and Space Administration [NASA] conducted a number of training programs for astronauts who would perform research and missions in space to adapt to extreme environments. As a part of the programs, they conducted an experiment to see how the human sense of space changes in zero gravity.
The astronauts who participated in the experiment lived, wearing special glasses that showed everything turned 180 degrees. The participants became extremely nervous, and their stress increased. About a month after that, however, something amazing happened to the participants. The world no longer looked upside down, but began to look upright. The researchers found that it is because the brain restructures neural circuits. No matter how difficult it is to adapt, continuous exposure to the environment will help your brain find ways to get used to it.
When thrown into an unfamiliar environment, everyone goes through distress and difficult times. But our unconscious has the power to adapt to any harsh environment. The virtue of persevering, waiting for change rather than giving up easily, is not reserved just for astronauts who walk in space.