How to Choose a Goat


A market opened in a village in the Himalayan high mountains. A boy came to the market with his father and saw people buy and sell goats. Interested, the boy pestered his father to go see the goats. There were many goats, from small cubs to large and fat ones.

Looking at the goats carefully and pricing them, he noticed something unusual. The price was not determined by the size of their body. The boy asked his father why.

“That’s a good question. Look over there.”

The father pointed to the goats that would soon be sold. Two goats were placed on a hillside without grass, and a merchant and his customer were watching them. One looked around and climbed a rock in search of food. But the other goat, which was larger than that, came down feebly. The customer chose the small goat with the same price.

“A goat that does not hesitate to climb rocks to get food can grow healthy anywhere. But the goat that goes down because no grass is seen eventually starves to death at the bottom of the valley. So the criterion for determining the price of a goat depends not on the size, but on the behavior.”