Ordinary Heroes


It happened at a crossroad, several years ago. Late at night, a cargo truck that was parked on the sloping road in front of a mall suddenly began to move. It was because the driver did not set the parking brake properly. The truck slowly slid down, began to accelerate, and stopped after hitting a woman in her 40s and a shopping mall. A lady who came to buy gimbap (food) with her son was laid under the truck without having a moment to escape.

The citizens who witnessed the accident all rushed to the truck without hesitation. They lifted up the truck with all their strength and saved the woman. It took fifty-five seconds to rescue her. Seeing the lady being carried to the ambulance, the about twenty citizens who participated in the rescue went their own way without expecting anything in return.

Those who lifted up the truck were neither supermen nor people with Herculean strength but just ordinary people. Their good hearts didn’t pass by a dying person and saved a life that is more precious than anything else in the world.