Sending My Child to a Foreign Country

Ma Eun-hui from Yeosu, South Korea


Not long ago, my daughter in the sixth grade went abroad for a history visit, a program supported by the Education Office. She was given the opportunity to take a flight for the first time in her life.

On the day of departure, my husband brought her to the airport at dawn. However, when it was around the departure time, I received a call from the teacher in charge.

“Jieun says her stomach hurts. Do you know why?”

My daughter often complains of stomachache when she is nervous. That day, too, she had stomachache because of nervousness. There was no other way to solve it. I just asked her to skip a meal before getting on the plane and then hung up. I was heartbroken that there was nothing I could do for my sick child. After that call, there was no contact until evening.

When my husband came home from work in the evening, I told him the story. Then he said what my child told him on the way to the airport at dawn. “I don’t want to go.” When I heard that, I felt like my heart was being torn. Although it could be a great opportunity to broaden her knowledge and have new experiences, I was concerned whether I sent a little child to a too far country, or whether she would get along with the children from other schools. I was worried about this and that.

After finishing the day’s schedule, she finally called me. She said her stomachache was gone. Her voice was full of expectations and excitement about what she had seen for the first time. Only then could I feel relaxed.

Through this, I could deeply feel the love of Heavenly Father and Mother. Sending one child to another country is anxious and concerned this much. How much more worried Heavenly Father and Mother were when sending so many children to this far earth! I truly give thanks to Heavenly Parents for coming to the earth with that heartbreaking love.