Specify Your Happiness


“Are you happy?”

If you can’t answer this question without hesitation, there are probably two reasons: One reason is that you actually feel unhappy, and the other is that you are confused whether you are happy or not.

When you think of happiness abstractly, you find it difficult to grasp it as it seems vague and sometimes far away. If you can’t get a clear answer to the question, “Am I happy now or not?” specify happiness, asking yourself about what you are thankful for, if there is someone you love, what pleases you, when you are proud, what brings you a sense of accomplishment, and so on.

If you ask yourself these questions, you will know that you are thankful for getting over a cold, encouraged by your loving family, pleased to have delicious food, and proud of your kindness to others. You also feel a sense of accomplishment when you have finished piled-up house chores. All this is the very happiness.