November 12, 2018

The Winner of the Green Apple Awards (Gold & Bronze)



The Church of God received the Green Apple Awards which is known as one of the world’s four major environmental awards. On November 12, the Gold Award in the field of International campaign was given to ASEZ, the World Mission Society Church of God University Student Volunteer Group, and the Bronze Award to the World Mission Society Church of God, at the Green Apple Awards ceremony of 2018, held in the House of Commons, Palace of Westminster, London, U.K.

The Green Apple Awards, conducted by an international nonprofit environmental organization called The Green Organization, are officially acknowledged by the European Commission and the U.K. Environment Agency as the best environmental award in Europe. They recognize the environmental best practices among governments and public institutions. They are promoting environmental protection practices by awarding projects, products, and services with excellent environmental performances and innovation among the examples of eco-friendly practices across all industries in the world.

This year, 112 organizations received the Green Apple Awards. It is very exceptional to be given to a church and to be given two. “There were about 500 nominees this year. I want to say the Church of God did a great job,” said Roger Wolens, the founder of the Green Organization.

The Church of God has practiced the Worldwide Environmental Cleanups in streets, parks, riversides, and beaches around its branches established in 175 countries. Recently, ASEZ, the volunteer group that consists of the Church of God’s university students, are changing the awareness of students and citizens by holding environmental cleanups, campaigns, and educational programs in cooperation with universities, governments, and municipalities in many places of the world.