The land of Spain at the western end of the European continent was where Apostle Paul, who went out for several preaching trips, was unable to reach. We went on a preaching trip to Barcelona in Spain by adding our passion to Paul’s earnestness.
We made a resolution before leaving, but the wall of reality was high. We couldn’t find anyone interested in the matters about the soul or God because the people of Spain were enjoying their life well supported by their social welfare system without any lacks.
First day, second day, third day⋯. We haven’t met a person paying attention to the words of God even after a week. We got tired little by little. A member showed her tears, unable to cover her anxious heart. As I looked at her who was enduring with tears, staring far away, Heavenly Father who preached the gospel alone came to my mind. Pondering upon Father who was saddened by people who didn’t look at the world of eternity, my heart ached with sorrow as well.
‘There must be God’s children in Barcelona who long for heaven…’
I desired to find them and missed them.
‘Is this the heart of Father and Mother?’
While thinking of God’s heart, I changed my mind. The reason people here turned away from the truth was not because of their comfortable life but because of us who didn’t deliver the earnest voice of God. Afterwards, I delivered the truth to one soul after another with the earnest heart of wishing that they may regain their memory and return into the arms of God.
Our sincere heart must’ve reached heaven. On the third Sabbath day after carrying out a short-term preaching mission, a lady visited us. She was the one we came across on the street and delivered the words of God for a short time. She, who had come to Spain looking for a job, said that she encountered difficulties not long after she came to Spain, and so it was harder for her to live as a lonely stranger in a foreign country. Most of all, she missed her children whom she left behind in her country.
“The yearning heart for children is the heart of Heavenly Mother. With the same mind Heavenly Mother came down to this earth looking for us.” The lady shed many tears at a sister’s words, and willingly received the truth after studying the words of God. There were souls looking for God in Barcelona; we just met them a little late. Besides her, there was another sister who received a new life like a gentle lamb after listening to the words concerning Heavenly Mother, and others came close to God examining the Scriptures. All of them were precious souls we met in Europe.
Now back in Korea, we are participating in the gospel of Spain with prayer. Just as warm sunlight melts the ground frozen during the winter, I eagerly hope that Heavenly Mother’s heartwarming love melts the frozen hearts of people. As a young adult like the dew of the dawn, I pledge to complete the gospel mission by practicing day by day the love of God that I learned in Barcelona.