“. . . If you want to do something, desire it eagerly.”
I had spent a long time as a fruitless branch although I had always fed on the nourishing sap from God who is the vine. I wanted to deliver God’s words to my family and friends, but I had no courage to preach to them and I just thought that they might not be God’s children. When I saw other brothers and sisters receiving the blessing of bearing fruit abundantly, I deliberately tried to look away from myself who was lacking in boldness and prayer as well, and I used to comfort myself with the belief that I would be blessed with fruit someday because I kept God’s commandments diligently. Then one day, I happened to read the following phrases that really caught my attention:
“A fox ran after a rabbit, but the fox was never able to catch the rabbit. It’s because the fox ran for its food, but the rabbit ran for its life. If you want to do something, desire it eagerly.”

After reading these words, I remained silent for a while. I felt that the meaning of the word “eagerly” really touched my heart at that moment.
God always tells us that if we eagerly desire something, He will fulfill it. However, I did not pay attention to the words of God. I should have asked God for things eagerly with a burning desire deep in my heart, like the rabbit that must have been running so desperately. That is “eagerness” and the way for my soul to live . . .
During the autumn feasts, I offered prayers of repentance with an earnest heart. I shed tears every day; I cried because I was sorry towards God and also because God was still taking hold of me who was slow to understand. Meanwhile, I could not stop thinking about my friend whom I spent my childhood with and attended a church together as well until I met the true God. I lost contact with her several years ago, but I thought that I would have to preach to her by any means, so I clung to Father and Mother in prayer.
Some time later, I finally made contact with her through my other friends. I met her after such a long time. Looking at her face that looked so weary because she had not been able to find a refuge for her soul, I was very sorry for not having preached the truth to her earlier, and I also felt unbearably guilty towards God.
My friend listened to the truth and was born again as a child of the true God right away. She studied the Bible every day and put into practice what she learned without skipping any of it. Recently, she arranged for me to meet a friend of hers, saying that she wanted to lead her to Zion. At that time, it had only been less than a month since she had received the truth. When the three of us met together, she said to her friend on the verge of tears:
“I cannot teach you the words of the Bible right now because I’ve just started to attend the Church, but I’m sure that this is the perfect truth. So I truly want you to attend the Church together with me.”
What my friend said really touched my heart. It seemed that God showed me how to preach the gospel through my fruit.
My friend is always ready to listen to God’s word. She is so eager to practice preaching the Bible seemingly because she felt very bad about the fact that she was unable to deliver the truth to her friend by herself. Every day, she gives thanks to Elohim for having called her to Zion. When I see her, I regret having wasted my precious time without recognizing my heavenly sister even though she was so close to me.
Now I know that God looks at our hearts and answers our prayers 100 percent if we pray eagerly and earnestly. Heavenly Father and Mother, I am so sorry for realizing this so late; I’m so sorry for not preaching to her earlier. From now on I will not hesitate anymore. I will boldly preach the good news of salvation to those who are spiritually dying without knowing the truth.