As I started working at a new company with a new heart, I earnestly prayed that God would allow me to meet a soul longing for the truth. It was a small company with only three female employees, including me. One of them was around my age, and we undertook similar tasks, so we soon became dependent on each other. As we got closer to each other, it was natural that I wished her to be part of our heavenly family.
At first, all I did was just tell her briefly about the Church of God and the Bible, saying, “I go to church,” and, “The biblical day of worship is the seventh day, which is Saturday.” One day, I plucked up courage and asked her to listen to my biblical preaching practice whenever we got off work together. Afterward, she listened carefully to my sermon preaching—one or two subjects each time. However, as our quitting time became irregular, it was difficult to constantly preach God’s word to her.
In the meantime, I had problems in my work life. As employees of the small company, we had to handle many unpleasant tasks all by ourselves; moreover, my workload increased and I had to work overtime often. Usually I would volunteer to do unpleasant tasks, but whenever I got tired and exhausted, complaints arose in my heart. I knew that I should give thanks to God in all circumstances and display God’s glory by doing good deeds. However, I could not even handle the tasks entrusted to me, which made me feel frustrated. Furthermore, I regretted not having diligently preached God’s word to my co-worker.
During the Prayer Week for the Day of Atonement, I offered prayers of repentance to God with tears.
“Please allow me to display Your glory by joyfully doing whatever I do. Also, please help me lead the soul of my colleague into Your arms, Your faithful child.”
I really wanted to lead my co-worker to salvation, and about one year after I started working at the company, I decided to invite her to my church on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles. As she was living about two hours away from Zion, I was a little worried that she might refuse to come. But I did not lose faith, because I realized God’s great love and desire for each and every soul to be saved.
The day I went to Zion with my co-worker, I recommended that she receive the blessing of being a child of God after studying the Bible prophecies about the second coming of Jesus and about the spiritual world. Unfortunately, she said she was not ready yet and postponed it. Time passed by, and one day in December I invited her again to Zion near our workplace. I explained to her about Jesus who was to come a second time according to the prophetic parable of the fig tree, and about the New Covenant Passover which He established. God must have opened wide the door of her heart while I earnestly preached the truth to her. She asked me about the date of the Passover and how to keep it. After thinking seriously about it, she said, “Now I’m ready.”
Like a gentle lamb, she participated in the baptism ceremony, expressing her desire for her family members to receive the blessing of being children of God, too.
While I was spending one year with the company, there were times when I worked hard alone and cried in secret; I was very tired and exhausted due to my busy work schedule. However, it was a God-given process of refinement for me. The moment my co-worker was born again as a child of God, I felt ready to become a mature child of God. I will take a new step forward without being frustrated by hardships in my life and obstacles in front of me, together with my co-worker who has just taken a new step toward the spiritual journey. I earnestly pray that she and I will be able to display God’s glory by doing good deeds and performing our tasks faithfully.