Labor Pain Continues Even Today

Park Ji-hye from Seongnam, Korea


One day while preaching overseas, I met a young man at a shopping mall and asked him if he had ever heard about God the Mother. He said it was his first time to hear about God the Mother and gave ear to the words of the Bible. He wanted to learn more, but had to leave soon because his friend was waiting for him. We promised to meet again the next day, and I waited for the next day to come.

On the following day, we went to meet him. He said he had already arrived forty minutes before our appointment time; he had come straight from work to keep his appointment with us. I felt excited as I thought that he might be a member of our heavenly family whom we had been eagerly looking for.

He came to Zion, and while watching a few posters about Mother he could not take his eyes off a phrase: “Mother, the most beautiful word in the world.”

He agreed with it and said, “This is so true.” He was even more moved when he read the article that said every living organism starts from its mother’s DNA, and the article about the sacrifice of a mother who embraces her fetus for a long nine months.

He said he grew up with his sister after losing his mom when he was little. It seemed that he deeply felt the importance of a mother, as he experienced the sorrow of parting from his mom at an age when he needed his mom’s love and help more than at any other time in his life.

We explained to him that he could become a child of Heavenly Mother through the Passover of the new covenant and asked him if he wanted to keep the Passover.

“I want to keep the Passover 100%, no, 1,000%.”

Brother Dominik participated in the ceremony for being born again with joy and thankfulness; a smile did not leave his face. He must have felt happiness and comfort in the arms of Heavenly Mother after such a long time of yearning for his mother whose face he couldn’t even remember.

Seeing it all, I realized the importance of my mother’s existence I’d taken for granted. I regretted that I felt bothered by her overflowing concern and love and that I complained about all things she told me for my own good, regarding them as nagging.

Then I was reminded of Heavenly Mother; I often took for granted Her sacrifice, prayer, patience, and everything else She did for me. I eagerly prayed that Brother Dominik and I would deeply understand Mother’s love and go to heaven together.

After the brother went back home, one member said, “Mother suffered labor pain once again today.”

The member’s words got stuck in my mind. Only then did I fully realize the spiritual labor pain Mother had to suffer all alone until Brother Dominik received a new life.

So many souls from all over the world are now coming to salvation, and Mother lives a life of great and unfathomable sacrifice every day. When we think of Mother’s hard work for us, there’s nothing to be thankful for and nothing to complain about. Nevertheless, I felt hurt and acted immaturely even for small sufferings and inconveniences. I feel so sorry to Mother.

Mother, I give You thanks for allowing me to find a heavenly family member more beautiful than a jewel and to understand Your love and sacrifice more deeply. I will preach more diligently and fulfill my spiritual filial duty so that I can help ease even a little bit of Your pain.