I met a Mongolian woman named Bolormaa, who came to Korea with her husband and was focusing on parenting as she had a year-old son. She looked very glad to meet us because she was going through a hard time raising her child alone in a foreign land with no relatives. As we were also raising children, we gave her good information on childcare and we got closer to each other.
Visiting our church often, she became a child of God. But she liked talking and eating with Zion members more than following God’s word. We were anxious to deliver the words of God to her for the salvation of her soul. So we showed her a short video with Mongolian subtitles and delivered the words of God by using body language and opening a Mongolian Bible. Later, our Mongolian member from a neighboring Zion helped her understand the truth.
Shortly after studying the Bible, she started to keep the Sabbath. She attended worship more frequently, and finally she came to keep every Sabbath.
She received true comfort and love from God, not from a person. What moved her the most was God’s promise to protect us from disasters through the Passover of the new covenant. Saying that she must deliver this good news to her family who feared disasters, she preached the Passover to her mother-in-law first when she visited Korea for a short period of time, and then she led her brother and her husband to the blessing of a new life in the true God. Not only to her family but also to all people she knew in Korea, she preached the gospel and bore fruits every month.
Afterwards, she delivered the truth to her sister-in-law in Mongolia over the phone and introduced our church to her. As her sister-in-law was planning to travel to Korea with her family, she wanted to study more then. As scheduled, her sister-in-law visited Korea and came to Zion with more than ten members of her family, including her parents, her older sister and her husband, her younger sister, her older brother, and their children.
Our Zion members welcomed her whole family from Mongolia, chanting, “We love you!” At an unexpected, rich welcome, they looked puzzled and joyful at the same time. They enjoyed fried chicken more than any food and had fun making patbingsu [Korean shaved ice dessert] themselves. When watching the Church of God introduction video and studying the words of God, they were very sincere. That day, the twelve souls were reborn as children of God.
“The one who saves a soul saves the world!”
We were able to clearly understand the meaning of these words when we saw how all her family members were led to Zion. Once we save a soul with the words of God, the soul can lead dozens or hundreds of souls to the way of life. We also realized that it’s impossible for one person alone to lead another soul. The members welcomed them in one voice, teaching them the words of God and preparing delicious food for them. As a result, many souls opened their minds wide.
We pray that they will become great gospel workers in their country, Mongolia. We, too, will continue to do the work of saving the world in unity according to God’s word.