Love Is Patience

Noh Min-ah from Anyang, Korea


I’ve been preaching to my family and friends for years, but they didn’t respond. As I had no fruit for a long time, though being a young adult like the dew of the dawn as prophesied in the Bible, I worried that I might become like a fruitless autumn tree. Then one day, I came to realize what’s the most important element in saving a soul.

When a preaching festival was in full swing, I met a woman who was taking a walk with her dog. The sister who was with me and I said hello to her, and when we asked her if she had time to listen to our preaching through the Bible, she readily said yes. After listening to our preaching, she said something that made my heart beat with joy.

“There must be Heavenly Mother.”

Her workplace was not so far from our church that we were able to meet each other often on the way to our church and back home and we became closer to each other. At first, I didn’t know what to talk about, because of our huge age gap. But as time passed by, I felt comfortable with her; she was like my sister or mother. She used to listen to my preaching after work. Whenever I studied the Bible with her, I earnestly hoped that she would realize the truth and become a child of God.

At last, she came to our church; when she visited Zion for the first time, she studied the Bible carefully, but she hesitated to receive new life. Since she responded favorably when we met first and whenever we studied the Bible together, I felt so sad for her. Many things were going through my mind, but I pulled myself together, thinking, ‘I must not give up on her soul. If I keep praying to God, God will help her accept the truth in the end.’

A few months later, I heard wonderful news while at work: She finally became a child of God. It turned out that the female adults of my Zion had been constantly taking care of her. Thanks to their help and care, she visited Zion to study the Bible and also went to see the “Father’s True Heart” Exhibition nearby. The power of unity greatly helped her open her mind and receive the truth. She kept the Sabbath, the Passover, and all the other Feasts as well, despite her busy schedule.

Seeing the members pray together and make every effort for her, I looked back on myself. I’ve been serving as a student group teacher in Zion. Guiding student members according to the will of God was more difficult than I thought to be. Without any gospel result for a long time, I became exhausted little by little, and I was not able to pay attention to or take care of other members.

However, they were different. Despite their busy schedules and difficult circumstances, they were united with one another and willingly devoted their time and effort to saving one soul, just as Heavenly Father and Mother spared nothing and willingly sacrificed Themselves to save Their children.

Preaching the gospel is a mission entrusted to all of the heavenly family members, the children of Father and Mother. It is also a journey we can never give up on. From now on, I will preach the gospel diligently and give my best to whatever task I am given, caring for and helping the members around me. All of these efforts ultimately help save one soul. I am sure that God will open the door to the heart of everyone, to say nothing of my family members who have been with me throughout my life, if I have an unyielding patience and a loving heart like that of God believing firmly that I can do it because God is with me.