With Burning Fervor despite Rain and Wind

The Kaohsiung Church in Taiwan


We keep hearing news about voluntary services actively carried out throughout the world in obedience to the teachings of Heavenly Father and Mother. To participate in them, the members of the Kaohsiung Church in Taiwan conducted a cleanup around Kaohsiung train station.

The station located in the center of Kaohsiung was built in the 1940s and is still there now when the once-fishing village Kaohsiung has grown to be a big city with a population of 2.8million. We started the cleanup, hoping that Kaohsiung station will be the first step to a beautiful journey for citizens with a cleaner environment.

Many family members and friends of the Zion members participated in the cleanup. From a little 7-year-old child to a 70-year-old member, men and women of all ages participated in it. It was windy and raining hard, but the fervor of the volunteers to make Kaohsiung beautiful was amazing. We picked all the trash in the corners including cigarettes on the grass, with our raincoats on.

The citizens, who passed us by and the workers from the stores there showed much interest in our voluntary work. They asked us what kind of activity it was, and complimented us on cleaning up wholeheartedly even in the wind and rain.

We will continue to take care of our neighbors, following the example of the love of Heavenly Mother.