Arise & Shine Global Bible Seminar 2019(II)

Women pastoral staff from five countries delivered the power of the Creator through their expertise

South Korea

April 29, 2019 7,320 views

“We feel much fear during our lives. Bugs, dogs, needles, standing in front of people . . . That’s how I feel right now.”

The audience burst into laughter with loud cheers as the presenter showed wit. Deaconess Grecia Mendoza Cisneros (from La Victoria, Peru) confidently testified about the existence of God Elohim who can extinguish our primal fear such as the fear of death.

Arise & Shine Global Bible Seminar 2019 was held at New Jerusalem Pangyo Temple in the afternoon on April 29, the following day after the global conference on a happy church. A Bible seminar was previously held, where men pastoral staff were the presenters. After that, this Bible seminar was held, where eight women pastoral staff from U.S., Peru, Ecuador, India, and South Africa gave presentations on the stage. The seminar was attended by about 2,700 members, including women pastoral staff from all around the world and title or position holders from the southern part of the capital city in Korea.

The presenters explained in detail the principle of God’s salvation and the existence of God the Mother with knowledge in various fields such as medicine, law, psychology, physics, biology, and astronomy. Deaconess Irvania Correa (from Miami, Floria, U.S.) prepared a presentation titled “The Power of the Creator Seen through the Earth, the Only Planet Inhabited by All Living Creatures. She said, “It’s not by chance that life exists on the planet Earth, when we consider the prerequisites for life. I want to make known the fact that the Earth, home to all lives, is filled to the brim with God’s love,” and she wished that all the seven billion people in the world would come to receive God’s love and blessings.

Through presentations titled Spiritual Cancer Treatment, Bible and the Work of God, Great Artist Who Created All Things, and Resilience and Mother, the participants at the seminar identified the power of God the Creator and the truth of life in the social or scientific phenomena that they have been indifferent to even though they have always encountered them in daily life.

After the seminar was over, Mother praised the women pastoral staff for making much effort to take care of the members and to preach the gospel with love and in-depth knowledge. After listening to the presentations in the seminar, Deaconess Pablo Chavez expressed her hope, saying, “We can feel the presence of God not only through the Bible, but also through the human body, universe, and everything in this world. Although the gospel ministry started late in Dominican Republic, I will diligently preach the truth to 10 million people so that they may receive much blessing from God.”