As Hezekiah reigns in Ahaz’s place, he opens the doors of the house of the LORD and repairs them. Then he brings in the priests and the Levites and assembles them in the square on the east side.
“Now consecrate yourselves and the temple of the LORD. Remove all defilement from the sanctuary.”
Since the wrath of the LORD was against Judah and Jerusalem by their fathers’ evil deeds—forsaking God and turning their faces away from the LORD’s dwelling, the king is hurrying to cleanse the temple of the LORD.
“Now it is in my heart to make a covenant with the LORD God of Israel, that His burning anger may turn away from us. My sons, do not be negligent now.”
According to the king’s command, they begin the consecration on the first day of the first month for sixteen days. The Levites and the priests bring out every unclean thing which they’ve found in the temple of the LORD. After all this, King Hezekiah gathers the city officials together, goes up to the temple of the LORD, and commands them to offer a sin offering for all Israel.
“You have now dedicated yourselves to the LORD. Come and bring sacrifices and thank offerings to the temple of the LORD.”
Following the royal command, the assembly brings offerings to God and all whose hearts are willing bring burnt offerings. The priests and the Levites help each other prepare the offerings, and the service of the temple of the LORD is reestablished.
What we need most in restoring the relationship between God and us, who are separated from God by our sins, is cleaning God’s dwelling place. For us who sinned in heaven to stand right before God, we must consecrate ourselves first, who are God’s temple.
The next is to bring offerings to God with a willing heart. The most pleasing offerings to God are souls who come to Zion, hearing the news of salvation through our mouths (Ro 12:1). As we are consecrated by receiving the forgiveness of sins through the feasts, let us not be negligent in this job now.