Special Lecture for ASEZ by Vice Minister of Environment, Ecuador

Emphasis on the role of leaders who take action patiently

South Korea

May 5, 2022 4,483 views

Environmental pollution and climate crisis are the biggest issues of the international community in the 21st century. On May 5, in the seminar room of the New Jerusalem Pangyo Temple in Korea, a special event was prepared for university students who are interested in global environmental issues and government officials who are promoting national policies for environmental conservation. This is the “Special Lecture by the Ecuadorian Vice Minister of Environment” held by ASEZ, the university student volunteer group of the Church of God. More than 700 university students from ASEZ in the metropolitan area, and officials from the Ministry of Environment of Ecuador participated in the lecture.

Ecuador’s Vice Minister of Environment, Bianca Dager Jervis, who stood at the podium, is an expert with many years of experience in the field of environment. Vice Minister Jervis was visiting Korea to attend XV World Forestry Congress held in Korea for five days from May 2. She shared the knowledge and experiences she had accumulated on the frontline for ASEZ students who are deeply considering the growing environmental issues.

Ms. Jervis, who introduced herself as an environmentalist and a mother of two children, said that everyone can make a positive difference about the environmental pollution problem that mankind has faced, without much professional knowledge. She introduced how to approach environmental issues with family in daily lives. She emphasized three things that are needed to solve problems of the modern society. They are solidarity, perseverance, and leaders. Ms. Jervis advised: “We need to share the ways to change the environment in the right direction in solidarity with many people, and to persist in not giving up until we get meaningful results with them.” She also encouraged ASEZ, saying, “We need leaders who plan specific activities and put them into practice, not just pointing out environmental issues.” She planted visions in the minds of the university students who attended the lecture.

Although the students continued to ask questions even after the lecture, she sincerely replied that small actions taken in daily life such as the use of eco-friendly products and so on would lead to solidarity and change among many people. After the event, she said, “I was happy to be here, and I was surprised by the energetic activities of the university students.”

The university students who listened to the lecture were determined to actively carry out environmental activities for themselves and for the future of the global environment. ASEZ member Jung Young-jin (from Seoul National University) said, “Even in the field of science, environmental issues are becoming more and more important. Hearing the stories of experts working for the environment on the other side of the earth, I’ve learned that it is important for me to take action first.” He said he would start taking public transportations to reduce carbon emissions.