It’s Better When We Do It Together

The Mexico City Church in Mexico


The National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico [IPN] is one of the top universities in Mexico, having campuses in several locations. Among those campuses, the members of the Mexico City Church volunteered to post anti-drug posters and paint bulletin boards in Zacatenco campus. It was part of “Reduce Crime Together” campaign with ASEZ, the University Student Volunteer Group, from Korea.

Before we carried out the volunteer activity, we went to the campus to meet the person in charge. There, we met not only the person in charge but also the president and the vice president of the university. Hearing the introduction of ASEZ and the Church of God, the president said gladly, “We are lucky that our university met ASEZ,” and asked us to introduce our volunteer service to the students, saying that he would prepare tents, tables, and chairs. With the active support of the president, we explained our purpose and many students expressed support and appreciation.

A few days later, our volunteer service was carried out; many students and university staff members joined us. We didn’t think it was going to take that long, but it took five hours. Painting the bulletin boards took a lot longer than anticipated.

There are sixteen bulletin boards for notices of each college here and there on campus. They were black and dirty from stains and tape marks. We got rid of dust and dirt from the bulletin boards, and removed the old paint. We painted them in white and green, which made the bulletin boards blend in with the green campus.

We got covered with sweat under the scorching sun and paint on our bodies, but everybody had a smile the whole time.

One of the IPN students who participated in this volunteer activity said, “You are cleansing the world! I think it makes you look healthy. I want to continue to participate in your volunteer services,” and another student said, “It was a pleasant experience. I want to learn more about ASEZ.” A staff member from the university asked us to visit them one more time when we have an opportunity. We were happy that many people joined us. If this atmosphere continues in each region, there will be fewer crimes too, right?