The Blessing of Forgetting


The car keys you have been searching for are in your hand; the cell phone you lost rings in the drawer; the remote control you lost is found in the fridge. You have probably had one of these experiences due to forgetfulness. But what if you remember everything that happened during your life?

Such a person exists; a university student in the United Kingdom can remember vividly the weather, whom he met, and what he ate on a given day. It is as if the experiences of his life were passing in front of his eyes and being recorded in his mind and saved like photos in a folder. This syndrome is called hyperthymesia. It is the condition of possessing an extremely detailed autobiographical memory and remembering an abnormal number of life experiences.

Those who have this syndrome find it difficult to control their emotions because past memories come up again and again; bad memories constantly torment them in their daily lives. As Albert Schweitzer said, “Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.” Forgetting is a blessing in disguise.