Clothed with the Holy Spirit of the Feast of Tabernacles
Lee Jeong-hyeon from Incheon, South Korea

A few years ago, I invited a boss of a publishing company whom my wife came to know because of her work, to the “Our Mother” Photo and Writing Exhibition. Telling us that he’d been aware about the Church of God, the boss was greatly moved by the exhibition and studied the Bible.
It turned out that he was truly seeking God. In his youth, he was severely injured while fighting against the robber who broke into his house, and he almost died at that time. Since then, he was interested in God and the life after death, and attended many other churches. However, he was not confident in any of them. Meanwhile, he said it seemed like the Church of God has the truth, and continued to study the Bible. The boss became confident little by little, but unexpectedly his family opposed him and he hesitated to come to God. Around that time, my wife and I had to leave for the overseas mission and lost contact with him for a long time.
Last autumn, we came back to Korea and met the boss again. We asked how he’d been doing and suggested him to study the Bible again. While we made an appointment and waited for him, the autumn feasts approached. We prayed earnestly more than ever. Then we heard what Mother said, “Now that you’ve received the Holy Spirit, try preaching. When you preach, it will be different from before.” Hearing this, we prayed that God would allow the boss to receive salvation.
On the day of our appointment, the boss came to Zion and studied the Bible carefully. After the study, we suggested him to receive the blessing of salvation, and he readily said that he would do so. When we heard him say it, we heaved a sigh of relief and our eyes started to well up with tears. It was the moment that our wish came true; it was unbelievable.
From that day on, the boss, who used to be passive, became a whole new person. He said that when he read the book, which we gave to him before we went abroad, he was curious about many things. He asked us if he could come at any time, if he could bring someone, and how we keep the worship services. Seeing him, we are still amazed at what has happened.
We were reminded of Father and Mother while leading this one soul after a long wait. God engraves His children’s names on His palm, never forgetting them (Isa 49:15–16). The boss, who hesitated to receive the blessing of salvation a few years ago, could come to Zion easily and be born again as a child of God. This is all thanks to the love of Heavenly Mother who did not forget the soul and prayed for him. This is also done by the grace of Father who poured out the Holy Spirit of the latter rain upon us. Now, I’ve realized that in the words of Mother, “It will be different this time,” there was Her earnest love, wanting for all mankind to be saved. Always remembering Mother’s love, I will not put out the Spirit’s fire but save one more soul with all my heart and soul.