Joy Found in God’s Love

Ydermo Lugos from Caracas, Venezuela


A few years ago, a mission team from the Peru Zion came to Caracas, Venezuela, where I lived, with the slogan “Let’s Find Our Lost Brothers and Sisters to Make Heavenly Mother Smile!” While preaching in unity with the mission team, I met one precious soul whose name was Luis. He had lived in Venezuela for a long time, but he was originally from Peru.

I then met him again with other brothers and sisters. Luis welcomed us and let us into his house. I prayed to God that his heart would be opened. Luis was getting things ready to go back to Peru, his home country, because of the bad economy in Venezuela. We invited him to Zion, hoping that he would be comforted in God, and he willingly accepted our invitation and followed us to Zion.

Luis heard the words of the truth in Zion that day, realized the value of salvation God grants, and was greatly moved. He seemed very happy when he said he wanted to do his best to follow God in Zion. I thanked God for opening the door of his heart.

The brother’s faith in God is growing day by day. Not only is he studying the words of the truth diligently, but also he’s sharing the good news of salvation with a burning heart with everybody he meets. He’s not young physically, but he’s putting God’s words into practice diligently, saying that he feels like he’s become a young adult. The brother is setting good examples in many ways that I, who had received the truth before him, even feel ashamed of myself.

On the day of a short-term mission to another city with brothers and sisters, he was the first to arrive at the meeting location. He was surprisingly diligent; he even called me to hurry while he was waiting for the brothers and sisters.

That day, the brother bore five fruits. He was so happy and gave thanks to Heavenly Father and Mother. I was also delighted to see him happy. I prayed earnestly that more brothers and sisters with a humble heart, passionate faith, and pure love for God Elohim just like the brother would return to the arms of God Elohim.

I will also work hard like the brother and do my best to preach Heavenly Father and Mother. I pray the gospel will be preached quickly to all over Venezuela. Animo!