I remember the first day I met Sister Lea for the first time. After hearing that we were preaching about God the Mother, she asked us back, saying, “God the Mother?” Though she appeared exhausted, we could sense in her eyes that she was very eager to learn about God the Mother. As we met together late at night on a street, we had to preach the gospel to her in a dim light. Even so, she gave ear to the words of the Bible, and we preached about God the Mother and the Passover to her. Though she was completely exhausted from school work, she gradually felt refreshed, and her eyes began to sparkle.
I guess the blessings we received during the preaching week reached out to her. She received the blessing of a new life after accepting the truth like a thirsty person gulping water. She was very much interested in the matters regarding the soul, probably because her beloved mother already passed away. She said she’d been curious for a long time about the essence of our lives and God’s administration to understand why some people would meet their death early in their youth and others would live long into old age. Then, we answered her questions through the Bible one by one. After realizing God’s providence that Earth is the city of refuge where spiritual sinners live on and that we come to live for eternity only in the Kingdom of Heaven, she was greatly comforted and felt at ease like a baby embraced in the arms of a mother.
Sister Lea quickly grew from a young spiritual baby into a gospel worker who works in accordance with God’s will for the gospel work. She was eager to follow God’s words with all her heart, soul, and mind, and voluntarily attended all worship services, preaching the gospel to all the people around her. She also wisely spends her time as a university student by faithfully carrying out her duty at school as well. How beautiful she must be in the eyes of God as she diligently makes every effort in her position to awaken souls in a deep sleep.
The sister who obeys every word of Heavenly Father and Mother awakens my soul, too. Whenever I see the sister, I think I should quickly do my best to preach the gospel and participate in the divine nature so that I may stand in a row before the heavenly city.
I find it very surprising that all this happened in an instant. I know that all things are possible thanks to God who leads the gospel work. When I look back on the times when I met Father and Mother for the first time, when I received the truth and when I began my gospel duties, I realize that I needed God’s help. Sister Lea is also receiving much blessing from God, faithfully relying on Him. I also want to return to my eternal hometown together with all my heavenly family members by always seeking God’s help without forgetting the first love.