Reducing Poverty & Hunger
We help our neighbors who are suffering from diseases, economic difficulties, and feeling left out in society
In order for our neighbors suffering from diseases, economic difficulties, and feeling of social exclusion to live a better life, we help them with living expenses, clothes, groceries, daily necessities, etc. We find what each household needs through local public offices, and offer them practical help. We assist our neighbors in living healthy lives through events such as kimchi-making festivals and canned food donation.
Living Expenses Support
- Low-income households
- Seniors living alone
- Refugees
Energy Poor Households Support
- Heating goods & expenses
- Winterization
Housing Support
- House repairing
- Wallpapering & flooring
Goods Support
- Groceries
- Kimchi
- Daily necessities
- Clothes
- Cooked Food
Food Drives
We’ve held a food drive for children in need. Thanks to many warm-hearted citizens, 3,425 kg [7,550 lb] of canned food was collected. The food was delivered to the Food Bank and was evenly distributed for the health and meals of children in need.
Support with Heating
We deliver coal briquettes to our neighbors, hoping they will feel warmth in cold winter. We winterize their houses and offer heating expenses and heating oil, with the words of comfort and encouragement
House Repairing
We repair the houses of underprivileged neighbors and change wallpapers and flooring. We do not forget disinfection for clean and healthy living, along with repairing stairs and toilets and cleanup. We hope our neighbors will live healthy lives.
Sock Drives to Help the Homeless
We collected many socks thanks to citizens’ active participation. A pair of socks is a must for the homeless to maintain their body temperature and safety in winter. Hoping that the homeless will feel Mother’s love and spend a warm winter, we delivered the collected socks to the homeless shelter with citizens’ sincerity and message of hope.