Church of God
University Student Volunteer Group

ASEZ, meaning “Save the Earth from A to Z,” is a volunteer group
made up of the Church of God university students around the world to give hope
and help to those in difficulties with the love of God the Father and God the Mother.

We deliver Mother’s love
to the world

With the love of a mother who comforts her family, we deliver the warmth of love to our global neighbors suffering from disasters, illnesses, and other difficulties. With young adults’ untiring fervor, we purify the polluted environment and bring hope to those who are in despair.

SAVE Movement

We carry out the movement to treasure life, to promote happiness in our communities,
and to improve the environmental conditions.

Social Service

Awareness Raising

Victim Relief

Environmental Protection

Social Service

Support for the underprivileged, visits to welfare facilities for the disabled, nursing homes, and orphanages

Awareness Raising

Campaigns, forums, and education

Victim Relief

Disaster recovery and relief efforts, “Mother’s School” project

Environmental Protection

“Green Campus” cleanups, “Mother’s Street” project, cleanups in mountains, seashores, riversides, and downtown areas

Sustainable Development Goals [SDGs]

The ultimate purpose of the SDGs is to achieve mankind’s peace and happiness. ASEZ supports achieving the SDGs in cooperation with international organizations, governments, institutions of many different countries, people from all walks of life, and civil societies.

Church of God Young Adult Worker Volunteer Group, ASEZ WAO

It is a global volunteer group of young adult workers of the Church of God to take care of neighbors and communities and to protect the environment with joy and enthusiasm.

ASEZ WAO는 ‘Save the Earth from A to Z(처음부터 끝까지 지구를 구하자)’와 ‘We Are One(우리는 하나)’의 약자로 ‘우리 모두가 하나 되어 처음부터 끝까지 세상을 구하자’는 의미가 담겨 있습니다.

Young adult workers of the Church of God create a bright and positive environment from their workplaces. They pay attention to global issues and make efforts to deliver hope to global neighbors suffering from despair and sadness due to climate change, environmental pollution, gender inequality, human rights violations, economic imbalance, educational inequality, wars, and terrorism. They exert themselves to making a happy world without neglecting anyone.


“Love your neighbor as yourself.” According to the teaching of God the Father and God the Mother, ASEZ WAO practices love for mankind.

ASEZ WAO carries out volunteer services to resolve many problems the world faces, regarding all people in the world as one family.

ASEZ WAO serves others to share important values such as positiveness, hope, and happiness.

Major Activities of ASEZ WAO

Environmental Protection

Green Workplace Movement, Young Adult Workers’ Clean Day Worldwide, community cleanups, environmental campaigns

Emergency Relief

Disaster/accident recovery efforts, support for victims, blood drives

Social Service

Visits to nursing homes, orphanages, and facilities for the disabled, support for the underprivileged

Cultural Exchange

“Becoming One” Day for young adult workers worldwide, support for international sporting events, international cultural exchange