Revering God the Mother

Mi-ju Seo from Incheon, Korea


Since receiving the truth, I have often seen and heard Heavenly Mother through church meetings. I always took this blessing for granted. However, a sermon I heard at the worship service gave me a sudden realization about what a great blessing it was.

“I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.” Rev 21:2

The New Jerusalem, who came down from heaven, is Heavenly Mother. God the Mother, who is almighty, has come down to this earth to be with Her children. Hearing Heavenly Mother’s voice directly and seeing Her, our holy Mother, with our own eyes! How can this be regarded as a small blessing?

When I think of the Israelites who were afraid to even hear God’s voice, I reflect on myself and wonder how much reverence I had for Heavenly Mother when I went to Her. I will always keep in mind that Mother is God whom we should always revere and serve even though She is in the flesh like one of us.