For a Lover of Watermelon

Hong Jeong-eun from Seoul, South Korea


“Watermelon Killer” and “Watermelon Lover!”

These are the nicknames I gave my younger sister. It’s because she loves watermelons whereas I don’t because it is troublesome for me to spit out the seeds. When she comes back home after work, she takes out a container full of chopped watermelon my mom prepared from the fridge, and takes it to her room; then she enthusiastically eats it all. I see the scene almost every day in summer.

When I asked my mom how often she bought a watermelon, she said she did at least once a week. My sister alone eats about five watermelons a month. I wonder how she doesn’t get tired of eating watermelons. Even in cold winter, she often says she wants to eat watermelon. Isn’t it amazing?

I’m sure that my mom checks the fridge every day to make sure that watermelon does not run out. Whenever I open the fridge in summer, I always see watermelon inside. A few days ago, my mom was single-mindedly watching TV. The program was about choosing the best watermelon. Some of the tips were to pick it up to see if it feels heavy for its size, to tap the underbelly of the watermelon to see if it has a deep hollow sound, and to look for the field spot to see if it is creamy yellow.

The reason she paid great attention to how to choose the best watermelon was because my sister loves it. I choked up as I imagined my mom picking the best watermelon like appraising jewelry and carrying it home, soaked with sweat. Will my sister ever know how much effort she makes for her?

Since our childhood, my mom never forgot about what we wanted to eat or our favorite food. Within a few days after we said what we wanted to eat, she would set it on the table; then she would let us enjoy the food until we said we had enough. As all three of us had different appetites, she must have been tired to cook the favorite dish for each of us.

I feel sorry to Mom that I tried to repay for her constant love just by saying that the food was delicious. She still gives us delicious food and constant love silently. Following her way of loving us, I too want to serve up delicious meals for my family.