Walking with God

Do Seong-yeong from Tongyeong, South Korea


I spent the summer of 2017 in Fukuoka, Japan, and in January of the following year, I participated in the overseas mission for a month in Japan again. This time, it was in Yokohama. Before departure, I was excited, wondering what kind of gospel work I would witness in Yokohama although it was still the same country. However, what I felt when I arrived in Yokohama was completely different from what I had expected.

Although Yokohama is the second most populous city in Japan, it was difficult to meet a soul seeking the truth. Even when I simply greeted them, they said no right away or passed me by without even looking at me. No fruit was borne though I ran here and there until my feet blistered. I thought of Father and Mother who didn’t stop looking for us though They were looked down on by creatures, to say nothing of receiving hospitality, so that They could preach the news of salvation to even one more soul. This filled me with energy whenever I was about to lose strength.

While encouraging and cheering up each other, precious souls began to come to the Yokohama Zion one by one. Sister Angerma came straight to the church as soon as her work was over to keep worship services ever since she had received the truth. Brother Gitada thanked us for stopping him in the street so that he could hear the truth. Brother Yuya, who received a new life last November and understood the truth fully, said confidently, “Even if someone offers me a lot of money, I will not exchange the blessing of the Sabbath day for it.” God filled Zion with pure souls.

Seeing such lovely brothers and sisters, I wished I could stay longer in Japan. There were many things I wanted to tell the brothers and sisters and explain to them, but I had to go back to Korea to my sadness. Father must have felt the same when He had to leave for a long journey, leaving His children behind. For me, Yokohama was a place where I was able to fathom God’s heart in many ways.

Just like the expression, “The beacon does not shine on its own base,” I didn’t really consider Japan as a place for overseas preaching because it’s near Korea. However, through the two mission trips, I felt as if God was shining the light of the gospel even brighter because it is a neighboring country. Now the only thing left for Japan is for the flowers to bloom with the light of the gospel and bear abundant fruits. I eagerly pray that Zion will be established in all parts of Japan and be filled with wheat.

I also make a resolution to walk with Father and Mother until the end through the gospel work. I might feel lonely and have to sacrifice myself, but I will follow Father and Mother with gratitude and joy because it is the path They walked first. I give thanks to God for allowing me to witness the new, exciting work of the gospel in Japan. I will devote myself to the gospel not with 99 percent faith, but with 100 percent faith.