When Should We Pray?


In the Bible, the forefathers of faith overcame many adversities by praying. Afterward, they were greatly blessed by God. Jesus, our Savior, prayed while carrying out the Gospel work when He came to the earth. Prayer is essential for Christians; it serves as a link connecting God and us. Through prayer we can express our sincere requests to God.

When should we pray to God?

1) We should pray all the time

In our daily lives, we should put into practice the words, “pray continually,” by starting, proceeding, and concluding with prayer (1 Th 5:17).

2) Times to pray

  • When we wake up
  • Before we eat
  • At prayer time (summer: 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. / winter: 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. in the northern hemisphere)
  • Before we sleep (reflecting back on the day)
  • When we need God’s help (pray immediately when facing temptation, persecution or hardship)
  • When there is something to be thankful for
  • When we need to repent
  • On other occasions, as necessary

3) Special prayers

  • Praying while fasting is recommended for growth and the renewal of our faith. God is pleased with this kind of prayer (Isa 58:6).
  • There is a day appointed for fasting once a year–the Feast of Unleavened Bread (the 15th day of the first month by the sacred calendar). We fast on this day to participate in Jesus’ suffering on the cross (Mk 2:20).
  • Additionally, you can hold personal prayer at dawn or other specific times (Mk 1:35).

There is a saying, “Too much of anything is bad,” but prayer is the exception. God reminds us of the importance of prayer through the Bible by saying, “Pray continually” (1 Th 5:16–25; Lk 18:1–17).

Let us always remember the teaching of God to “pray continually” and receive abundant blessings from God.

Food for Thought
When are the times that we should pray to God?
What are some types of special prayers?