Mother’s Teaching No. 13

“We should endure present sufferings for the Kingdom of Heaven will be ours.”


While living a life of faith, we face rough and painstaking moments. Sometimes we are persecuted for the truth or tempted by Satan; we have troubles with brothers and sisters in Zion; or we encounter problems in our daily life. Each and every member walks the path of faith, bearing suffering and hardship. God told us to endure all suffering by thinking of Heaven that is to come.

God is preparing unimaginable blessings for us in Heaven. There will be no more suffering, pain, or sorrow. It will only be full of eternal joy and happiness. Although our life on the earth may be difficult and painful, when we think of the glory of Heaven, we will never give up.

Suffering and pain on the earth are temporary, compared with the blessing of the eternal Kingdom of Heaven. We must not be fools who give up the glorious and eternal Kingdom of Heaven just because of small and temporary things on the earth. Now the Kingdom of Heaven is near at hand. We should become the heavenly children who will receive all the promised blessings from God by enduring until the end with the hope for Heaven.

Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.Ro 8:17–18

Food for Thought
What is Mother’s Teaching No. 13?