IWBA Entrance Ceremony 2019

“In my workplace, I practice the love I’ve learned in Zion”

South Korea

June 16, 2019 31,457 views

According to a survey result of a community app called Blind, nine out of ten workers suffer from burnout syndrome (a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress). People work hard to maintain their livelihood and achieve their goals, but the process is not always pleasant.

The Church of God is running the International Worker Bible Academy [IWBA] to help young adult workers spend the prime time of their life in an energetic and rewarding way on the basis of the right faith and values. On June 16, the IWBA Entrance Ceremony 2019 was held at the Okcheon Go&Come Training Institute. It was attended by more than 6,500 people including freshmen, registered members, teachers for young adults, and the Korean pastoral staff. Before the ceremony started, exhibitions and diverse events to introduce young adult worker mission by workplace, region, and occupation entertained the participants and provided them with useful information.

Through the worship service, Mother blessed the freshmen and registered members. Mother complimented them and enlightened them: “Even in hectic workplaces, you all try hard to follow the teachings of love recorded in the Bible to glorify God. You are the protagonists of the prophecy. No one can be sure of tomorrow, but you are storing rewards in heaven. Let’s treasure the present moment that will not come again, and do our best to fulfill the most valuable work of saving souls starting from our workplaces. Neighborly love that Jesus taught is to plant hope for heaven in the souls who live weary lives without knowing the good news of salvation” (Ps 110:2–4; Pr 27:1; Gal 6:7–8).

General Pastor Kim Joo-cheol quoted God’s word, “Be the salt and light of the world” (Mt 5:13–16), and said, “Just like the salt that prevents corruption and the light that resists darkness, let’s lead the world to the right way” (2 Ti 3:12–15; Ps 55:22–23; Isa 33:1).

During the entrance ceremony, bright young adults made presentations on the IWBA Freshman Guide and the Result Report 2018 in a variety of formats such as video diaries and panel discussion, and also on the vision in 2019.

The IWBA members not only practice the teachings of God in their workplaces and leave gospel results in abundance, but they also fly overseas during their vacations and for volunteer services and the gospel mission. Their deeds inspired freshmen with gospel fervor. “As I got a job for the first time, I’ve been excited and worried at the same time. But today, all of my worries have disappeared,” said Brother Im Dong-hyeon (salesman from Ansan, Korea), a freshman who attended the entrance ceremony before his first day at work.

About forty members who achieved high educational performance and set an example in the church and society through their good deeds received the excellence awards from Mother. Concluding the ceremony, Mother applauded the young adults and said, “Father called young adults ‘prophets who will achieve the great will in the future.’ I’m proud of you for your devotion to the gospel.”

The young adult workers refreshed their minds and attitudes through the IWBA Entrance Ceremony and said in one voice, “We hope that a workplace is not simply a place to make money but to share God’s love.” “Around me, there are many workers who go to work at dawn every day and leave work late at night with fatigue. I will constantly convey God’s consolation to them so that they can regain their vigor,” said Sister Shim Eun-hye (office worker from Seongnam, Korea).

“At the hospital, I try to work with consideration and a serving mindset that I’ve learned during the IWBA education. One day, a patient was sick that he became sensitive. I gave him the Elohist and he liked it, saying that he met an angel that day. So I felt really great,” said Sister Gwon Hyeon-jeong (physical therapist from Seoul, Korea), showing her determination to put the word of the Bible into practice.