World Mission Society Church of God -

Church Introduction Video

The World Mission Society Church of God
believes in God the Father and
God the Mother


Introduction to the Truth

The Church of God follows God’s teachings in the Bible

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Major Awards Received

Governments and agencies of many countries
awarded the Church more than 4,700 times

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U.S. President’s Volunteer Service Award

Gold Award (Best honor for a group, 58 times)
Lifetime Achievement Award (Best honor for an individual)

Presidential Awards from Three Korean Governments

Presidential Group Citation, Medal of Merit, Presidential Citation

Volunteer Services

We put into practice sharing and serving
beyond border, race, culture, and language

We work together to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
[SDGs] for the peace and happiness of mankind.

Christ Ahnsahnghong

God who came to the earth in the flesh a second time to save humankind

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God the Mother

From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible tells us about God the Mother.

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WATV Media Cast

Come and watch video sermons on various subjects.
The Church of God provides sermons in more than 62 languages.

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Media Reports Around The World

Media outlets around the world report about Church of God’s sincere volunteer services for neighbors and communities.

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